The Human Soul

Godfrey Jeremiah
6 min readFeb 28, 2019


The above title actually suggests human has a soul, which is not totally appropriate because human is a soul. ‘What It Means To Be a Soul‘ was my initial title for this article but we (including search engines) are familiar with the term, ‘The human soul’ — and I think this combination is being misused because they mean the same thing. Hence, they can be used interchangeably.

The idea of this article is to present a clearer knowledge of the essence of our existence. It is very important you know that you’re a soul with a limitless capacity that can harbor the whole universe — a being that is connected with everything in the vast universe. You are a huge part of the universe and likewise, the universe lives (or coexist) inside you.

What’s the human soul?

The human soul is the seat of consciousness within and without the human body. It forms an interplay between the human spirit and the body.
The soul is a unique, vast, mysterious, and most valuable component of the universe. It is the immaterial aspect of a human being which consist of the mind. The soul is everything that you are, encapsulated in a physical body to journey through the face of the world.

This concept suggests that we are segmented into a body, soul, and spirit. These segments work together to create the human experience, which means that, each segment cannot work independently.

The soul is the central component which forms the essence of being human as well as the body. The soul draws life from the spirit. For it is the spirit that keeps the soul alive and equally binds the soul to the physical body. The human spirit is the driving force or energy behind the existence of the soul.

The soul grows and extracts some of the properties of the spirit and the body. One of the mysterious nature of the soul is its ability to accommodate vast numbers of invisible elements (or entities) without limits. It is like the ocean which contains an unimaginable volume of water and would readily take more beyond measures.

This means, as much as the human spirit is possessed by the soul, the soul can also harbor other spirits or entities. There are different kinds of spirit in our world. Some are in dire search for a soul to reside and the longer they reside in that soul, the more they acclimatize with it. Then, eventually takes the form (or likeness) of the soul — partaking in the soul’s experience. This is when it gets complicated.

What forms the ghost phenomenon?

The soul can either live or die. When the soul dies, a part of the universe dies (or rather, becomes frozen) with it. (Refer to the previous post to learn more on this). When a soul dies, the human spirit goes back to his creator while the body returns to the earth. Any entity (or other spirits) residing in the soul would begin a search for another to live in. If these entities (or any of these spirits, usually the one that has dominated the soul) become too attached (or acclimatized) with the soul and its environment, the ghost phenomenon is formed and then, of course, the concept of reincarnation.

This has resulted in the after-death confusion — where there are cases of people seeing the ghost of their loved ones who had died, including the reincarnation concept. These entities (spirits of the world) complicate the essence of humanity; they are at war against humanity, to disrupt the purpose for which humans were created. One of the possible reasons for this conflict is — they were here in this world long before humanity started. They’re envious of humanity probably because of how so much authority was entrusted to humans over the world and everything that is in it.

There are so many spirits in the world gnawing around you more than you can imagine, looking for a way to take dominion over your soul. They are certain that if they claim your soul then the authority becomes theirs. They can take any form as long as they feel at home with it. Some of these spirits are called wandering spirits, looking for a place to call their home.

*I will share an article later on what’s responsible for some weird, sick and unusual behaviors. And how your soul can stay clean from these entities/spirits.

The Doorway to the Soul

What constitutes a barrier to the soul’s potentials is the physical body. The body constantly craves for material elements from the world where it was made through the senses it is composed of. The senses spontaneously ignite these cravings.

The body sends signals of awareness to the soul through the senses. The senses act as the doorway to the soul. The senses of the body include the skin, eyes, ears, tongue, nose and the mind. The mind is a proxy of the body and soul. It seats in-between the soul and the body though, it is more of an element of the soul.

Some of our actions that open the doorway of our souls to other spirits (entities):

Sexual Intercourse: This is one of the cravings of the body that affects us deeply. You open the entrance to your soul to whoever you have sex with and, that could easily give them (the spirits he/she is possessed with) free access to your soul.

Sex is far more than how or what you feel (before, during and after) the act. Sex is a deep interaction between two different souls (or more — depending on the scene), exchanging certain values or elements of the soul. It is like trading the value of your soul with the other party (or partner). A part of you gets tangled with who you have sex with (especially the first person you break your virginity with). You gradually begin to take the resemblance of who you constantly have sex with.

*I would elaborate more on this point in a later article titled, “Your Sex Partner(s): How they affect you”.

What you see, hear and keep in your mind: We react to life basically, by what we see and hear. The soul feeds on information the same way the body feeds on food. The way the body gets nourishment from the food it takes applies to how the soul taps certain elements from what you see, hear and keep in your heart. Your thoughts are generally influenced by what you see and hear. When you are constantly exposed to something, you think continuously on that thing. You eventually become your thoughts.

What you say: Words have energy and vibrations. Words are more than just a way we communicate because they could make either a positive impact or a negative impact on others and even back at us. What you say, pilots your life. Words work like magic; what you say, goes out and travels back at you. Your life is built by your confessions. You can virtually feel specific words either you’re saying them out or reading them in your thoughts because certain words have elements that can touch your soul or channel certain spirits to it.

Where is the soul located and what elements make up the soul?

Some studies practically suggest the soul is located in the brain or the heart. The location of the soul in the human body has been an interesting area of research by several scientists and it is an ongoing subject of research.

The elements that make up the soul are every invisible aspect of the human experience which include consciousness, emotions, intelligence, etc. which are all factored as the mind.

The Divine Spark within your Soul

There is a spark within your soul that you must ignite. It was injected into your soul by the spirit which gives it life from its creator. This spark is commonly called the divine spark. Some groups called it “God’s consciousness” within the human soul — because your spirit is a part of your creator in you, it, therefore means that there is certainly a level of awareness or frequency you must tune into. This would help you unlock your strength (or powers) and true purpose.

Those who have been able to ignite this spark have shared a common mystical experience. Some who were able to ignite this spark had a form of connection with almost everything and could feel the universe has some form of consciousness they could interact with. The sense of joy and innermost peace is remarkable. It is the most exhilarating feeling you can ever have in your entire existence. It is a heightened state of awareness far beyond this physical world. It’s like a flame that burns within your heart. (I have had this experience a couple of times and would share them in a later post)

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Originally published at on February 28, 2019.



Godfrey Jeremiah
Godfrey Jeremiah

Written by Godfrey Jeremiah

Futurist Writer with a particular interest in technology, physics, and the fate of humanity |

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